As for the basic stats and game play, like 4th edition, we have 3 separate defense types, physical, energy, and psychic. If an opponent fires at you with his plasma rifle, it rolls against your energy defense, if a kaiju is trying to claw your jaeger, it's physical defense, you get the idea.
Also like 4th edition, saving throws are very simplified. The 'save DC' (number you have to beat) is always 10. There will just be modifiers to that. (Example, a kaiju breaths a plasma breath that has a -5 penalty on the save for exceptional accuracy, your skills give you a +3 bonus to saves, which would make it a total of -2. Roll a 12 or higher and you succeed.)
Your character doesn't have 'stats' as it were, they have skills. Your characters intelligence, wisdom, charisma, is entirely based on your roleplay. As far as strength and dexterity go, when you're facing xenomorphs and halo elites, things so much stronger than a standard human, it comes down to training and skill, not physical power.
As such, you have ranks in skills, each skill has 10 ranks, the more ranks you have, the greater your skill as listed below.
Giant Robot Skills:
Jaeger CQC: The skill of punching, swording, sawing, etc. Any time you try to hit an opponent with either a jaeger fist or object, you add the amount of ranks to the roll. At ranks 4, 7, and 10 the jaeger pilot gains a +1 defense bonus against melee attacks, and at ranks 5 and 10, you gain a +4 damage bonus for all CQC attacks. (+8 at level 10)
(Required skill for all Kaiju grappling situations.) |
(Ridiculously slow charging plasma cannons... check!) |
Jaeger Survival Training: This skill encompasses mostly passive skills that can be done in Jaeger combat. At rank 4, 7, and 10 this skill adds a +1 defense to both physical and energy defense. Each rank also increases any stealth rolls should you attempt to try and ambush an enemy Kaiju. Every 3 ranks of this skill increases and combat perception rolls to detect things like sneaking units, covenant ships staying in clouds, or a xenomorph sneaking into the knee joint. The final ability this grants is if the Jaeger has internal defense measures they gain a +1 per rank to the attack rolls of the defenses. At ranks 5 and 10, the internal defenses gain an extra damage dice, and at ranks 5 and 10 the jaeger gains a +2 bonus to init in jaeger battles. (Example: Internal steam jet defenses deal 2d4 normally, at 5 ranks it would be 3d4 and at 10 ranks it would be 4d4)
That covers jaeger combat skills, now we move onto human sized combat skills.
Marksmanship: Even if you have a katana, you're still going to be using your assault rifle much more than your samurai skills. Each rank gives a +1 to hit, and at ranks 4, 7, and 10 you gain a passive +1 damage to all ranged combat damage. Grenades, howitzers, and any other advanced artillery or energy weapons use this skill as well.
(Laser Sniper Rifle. Far more deadly than a katana.) |
(What 10 ranks of Survival Training looks like.) |
There is one final skill trio, neutral skills. These are not directly combat related skills, but will have passive bonuses to all types of combat and general role play situations.
Perception: The ability to notice things, beyond just seeing and hearing. This skill imparts a bit of wisdom, noticing things that others don't, piecing together things you heard a long time ago to notice a pattern, important for any detective. Every rank increases any combat perception roll by +1, which stacks with the perception bonuses from other sources, such as survival training. At ranks 4, 7, and 10, the player gains a +1 bonus to any saving throw, and at ranks 5 and 10 you gain a +1 to all defense types, and at 10 ranks, you gain a bonus to critical threat range, making it 19-20. (If the game goes on long enough that you gain multiple critical threat increases, it becomes 18-20.)
Knowledge: A catch all skill for world knowledge not covered by Combat Intelligence Training. This skill grants a +1 per rank to any knowledge roll, which occur mostly out of combat. At ranks 5 and 10, the dice of medkits, explosives, and Jaeger special weapons increase by 1 dice size from your characters expertise of all subject manner associated with various weaponry/anatomy. (Example, medkit goes from d4 to d6 to d8, explosives from d6 to d8 to d10.) At 10 ranks, the critical threat range in all combat forms increases by 1. (Can hypothetically make crit range to 17-20 if you maxed out a lot of skills.)
(To knowledge!) |
(Seeing the world very differently than you or I.) |
That is all the skills of the game. When making a character, you will pick 1 of 6 background origins, which will have set base stats. You will then be given 3 points, 2 points, and 1 point that you choose to place in each of the 'skill sets.' (Example: A player is a combat jaeger pilot, he places his 3 points in 'Jaeger Combat' skills, his 2 points in 'Neutral' skills to pump his perception, and 1 point in marksmanship, rounding it off.)
Each time you level up, you gain 1 rank that you may place in any of the 9 skills available. Every 5 levels you gain 1 bonus hit point, and 5 in Jaeger combat. Until players start becoming more genuinely powerful, you will be gaining a level almost every game you play.
Now that we've covered the skills and dice roll basics, let us cover the actual character creation process. You get to choose 1 of 6 origins, which is your background. You have some limited flexibility in that you can choose your characters gender, name, and have some stat options, as covered above, but overall this is your character. The main part that determines the combat numbers is when you make your Jaeger and combat gear, which will be covered in another post.
There are 3 military backgrounds and 3 civilian backgrounds, let us start with the military backgrounds.
Combat Jaeger Pilot: You are an X-com soldier, with previous experience battling Kaiju, and access to the 2 remaining X-Com Jaegers, the 'Green Machine' and the 'Lobster Monster.' [YOU CAN RENAME THEM, I KNOW THOSE AREN'T THAT GOOD] (The 'Green Machine' is a multi-energy sourced 'environmentally friendly' Jaeger, and the 'Lobster Monster' is made from scavenged alien materials and a special metal that is left behind in the remains of the comet that comet kaiju arrive in. These will both be described fully in the 'Building Jaeger' post coming up in the near future.) You have total freedom in what country of origin is, your gender, age, and general character background. The one requirement is that your character was held back from fighting the 'Necro Gear' that wiped out our most recent Jaeger program, and has some sort of feelings about that. (Will be covered in the world back story post.)
Starting Points: Jaeger CQC, 4 ranks, Jaeger Marksmanship, 4 ranks, Jaeger Survival Training, 3 ranks, Marksmanship, 2 ranks, Survival Training 2 ranks, Combat Intelligence 2 ranks, Perception 2 ranks, Knowledge 1 rank, Nature Empathy 1 rank.
Starting Perks/Traits: Basic Training, Combat Specialty Kaiju, Experienced Warrior, Unique Starting Option Pre-Built Jaegers, or 55 Jaeger credits to build a Jaeger. (More on that in the gear post) 10 credits personal combat gear. 1 Bonus perks/traits. If building their own Jaeger, they gain one bonus jaeger trait/perk.
(Old school Jaeger Pilots. Excessive shininess no longer required.) |
Starting Points: Jaeger CQC 3 ranks, Jaeger Marksmanship 2 ranks, Jaeger Survival 2 ranks, Marksmanship 4 ranks, Survival Training 4 ranks, Combat Intelligence 2 ranks, Perception 2 ranks, Knowledge 1 rank, Nature Empathy 1 rank.
Starting Perks: Basic Training, Combat Specialty (Dependent on home region), Experienced Warrior, Close Quarters Combat Training, Marksmanship Training, 1 bonus perk, 45 Jaeger credits, 20 credits personal combat gear.
(Efficient and bad ass in any combat situation.) |
Starting Points: Jaeger CQC, 1 rank, Jaeger Marksmanship 1 rank, Jaeger Survival training 3 ranks, Marksmanship 2 ranks, Survival Training 3 ranks, Combat Intelligence 4 ranks, Perception 3 ranks, Knowledge 3 ranks, Nature Empathy 1 rank.
Starting Perks: Basic Training, Experienced Warrior, Impromptu Science, Support Specialty Slots, (3 bonus accessory slots, 4 total, most backgrounds only have 1 slot for accessories, will be covered in gear.) 2 bonus perks/traits. 45 Jaeger credits, 15 personal combat credits, 2 free bonus minor accessories.
(The one on the right keeps the one on the left alive... sometimes reluctantly.) |
Eccentric Billionaire: You are a Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne, or Oprah in power armor type of character. (You are in the Forbes top 5) Using your own extensive global business network, you've managed to build your own Jaeger, and possibly the most advanced human made power armor on the planet. You feel an almost philanthropic desire to save the world, and have essentially forced yourself on the X-Com project. They just happen to be desperate enough to accept the resources at your disposal. This character is used to having things their way, and like a Tony Stark, does not play well with others, and is very self centered. This character is also not a trained soldier, the strength of the technology available to him is what makes up the difference.
Starting Points: Jaeger CQC 2 ranks, Jaeger Marksmanship 2 ranks, Jaeger Survival Training 2 ranks, Marksmanship 1 rank, Survival Training 1 rank, Combat Intelligence 4 ranks, Perception 4 ranks, Knowledge 4 ranks, Nature Empathy 1 rank.
Starting Perks/Traits: Narcissistic Personality, Infinite Resources, 3 bonus traits/perks. 85 Jaeger credits, 32 personal combat credits.
(I wonder which one Oprah would use?) |
Starting Points: Jaeger CQC 2 ranks, Jaeger Marksmanship 2 ranks, Jaeger Survivability 3 Ranks, Marksmanship 2 ranks, Survival Training 3 ranks, Combat Intelligence 3 ranks, Perception 3 ranks, Knowledge 2 ranks, Nature Empathy 2 ranks.
Starting Perks/Traits: Scavenged Necro-Gear Tech(Non-Reactor), Bonus Primary and Secondary accessory, both in Jaeger and human scale gear, Unique Starting Point, Combat Specialty (Necromorph), Experienced Warrior, 2 Bonus Traits/Perks. 25 Jaeger credits, 5 personal combat credits.
(Surviving in an irradiated necromorph infested hellhole against all odds... with ingeniously made scavenged gear.) |
Starting Points: Jaeger CQC 1 rank, Jaeger Marksmanship 1 rank, Jaeger Survivability 2 ranks, Marksmanship 1 rank, Combat Survival training 1 rank, Combat Intelligence 2 ranks, Perception 5 ranks, Knowledge 3 ranks, Nature's Empathy 5 ranks.
Starting Traits/Perks: Bonus Psychic Spirin Trait/Perk, Sixth Sense, Psychic Assualt Major Ability, Psychic Assualt Minor Ability, 2 Bonus Traits/Perks. 25 Jaeger credits, 5 personal combat credits.
(Possible Nature Spirit/Spirin merged form.) |
That covers our 6 possible backgrounds, each player can pick one, there can be no overlapping. (Sorry, you can't all be billionaires in Iron Man suits. Only 1 of you can.)
So now that we've covered the skills and backgrounds, what do those perks/traits mean? This is the list of the effects of those listed above. There will be many more in a later post, closer to finishing up the character creation process.
Basic Training: You have had basic military training, this imparts a passive +1 to all attack and damage rolls, and all 3 defense types. This stacks with every other bonus given from skills/gear/etc.
Experienced Warrior: You have actual combat experience, this translates into your character starting 2 levels higher than everyone else. This gives you 2 extra points to distribute in your skills as you see fit, and places you closer to the HP increases at level 5.
(What two extra levels looks like.) |
Close Quarters Combat Training: Whether it is advanced martial arts, boxing, a lot of bar brawls, or just accumulated over a lifetime of close encounters, your character is much more effective when the enemy gets to close. You gain +2 to hit and damage with all melee attacks, and you gain a +2 defense against all melee attacks. A nice passive bonus of this skill is a +1 HP, as you're tougher than normal as well.
"And this kids, is how you smash a man in the face with his own helmet...." |
Marksmanship Training: You have advanced military training with all manner of long ranged weaponry. This skill grants a +2 to hit and damage with all ranged weapons, and grants a situational bonus to the range of whatever weapon they are using. (Example, grenades might have a +2 max range while a sniper rifle gets a +10.)
Support Specialty Slots: You gain 3 minor accessory slots, which can hold items like med-kits, grenades, communication equipment, stun guns, etc. The support specialist will have a list in the gear post that will list the options available starting. The communication equipment can call in airstrikes though, so think on that.
Narcissistic Personality: You are a completely self centered rich douchebag trying to save the world. You must have things your way, you genuinely don't give a shit about bureaucracy, social etiquette, and other niceties. This stubbornness grants a +2 psychic defense, if you don't role play this properly though I will punish you in some way.
(Google image search for "Rich Douchebag.") |
Scavenged Necro-Gear Tech: Part of your Jaeger you pieced together from the remains of the 'Necro-Gear' that washed ashore after the last great battle involving Godzilla and the remains of our Jaeger fleet. (More on that in the back story post to come.) This individual piece of gear is more advanced than anything available to us, but it is only 1 piece, and you can not pick the 'reactor' or 'core' pieces. It must be something like 'fist' or 'knee' or 'shoulder' or something along those lines. It will have a unique ability though whatever it is. (You can also pick 'plating' for a big defense boost if that floats your boat.)
Bonus Primary/Secondary Accessories: Gaining one free for both Jaeger and human scale combat. Primary accessories are things like weapons, armor, solar powered Jaeger shoulders, etc. Secondary accessories would be like grappling hooks on your armor/belt/gun, or perhaps the internal defense steam jets mentioned above.
Sixth Sense: You can sense impending danger, this grants a +2 bonus on all defense types, and a +2 on all perception rolls.
(We'll call that 'Earth Sight'...) |
Major Psychic Ability: I will make the master list later, but these are the major psychic attacks. Direct damage, aoe stuns, etc. will be here. If you have an idea for something, let me know and I'll figure it out. (Example: "I want to be pyrokinetic! Can I cast fireball d00d!?!?!" GM: "Umm... sure, lets figure something out....)
(No, your code name can not be "Pyro.") |
Minor Psychic Ability: More passive and support skills, like increasing defenses, mild healing, detecting enemy types and the like. (Similar as above, chat with me if you have something specific.)
So there you have it, there is of course more to come... you're asking "how do I figure out HP, and I want more perks and traits to pick!" Yes, there will be more to come, but between this and the Spirin post, we can start to carve out our chosen characters....
Later this week, I will post the full known history of the setting, (Known to players, I mean.) so stay tuned alien hunters!
(Holy Fuck! It's James Spader!) |
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