Each background on the character page has a certain amount of credits available, so when you're making your character, you will refer to this post to figure out how much damage he/she can do with those skill points you've assigned.
So without further ado, starting with human sized combat gear, armor. No special tables, just an item by item list. It will be in order of credit cost by category, lowest to highest.
Armor: (All armor has a bonus to hit points, physical defense and energy defense)
2 credits, Carbon Kevlar Weave, advanced by today's standards, this mixes light weight highly durable fibers supporting kevlar plates. +3 HP, +3 physical, +1 energy defenses.
(Modern armor.) |
10 credits, Mk. I Utility Armor, early form of power armor. Has many movement enhancing abilities, pneumatic jumping upgrades, and is slightly heavier armored than our alloy armor. +6 HP, +5 physical, +3 energy, +3 Movement speed. Empowered Charge, (+3 to hit and damage instead of +2) Also contains built in storage satchel, (bonus accessory slot) and grappling hook add-ons. (Grappling hook has a range of 6.)
(The beginnings of Power Armor, still useful today.) |
15 credits, Mk. I Titan Armor, X-Com's most advanced power armor, land bound armor ran on a fusion battery. This armor has 2 shoulder slots, and 2 arm slots for built in weapons, a built in emergency medical system, (med-kit that activates either manually or upon health reach 2 or below.) environmental protection, (like air filtration, temperature regulation and the like.) super strength, and even has an accessory slot for power armor upgrades. It does have a weakness however, EMP effects completely shut it down, forcing the wearer to either wait until it restarts, or try and get out manually.
(Titan Armor. It's pretty bad ass.) |
Infinite Resources Requirement
22 credits, Mk. I Icarus Armor, essentially the 'Iron Man' suit. Has advanced flight technology, and all the advantages of Titan Armor. The flight option has caused a slight reduction in durability, but the flight aspect more than makes up for it.
(Ok... lets try 4% thrust...) |
25 credits, Mk I Hercules Armor, larger, thicker, stronger Titan armor. This armor is tougher, but slower than Titan armor, and it is currently the strongest, physically, armor that we know of.
(Bigger is always better! Right?) |
Ranged weapons: (Range for all weapons is the optimum, the marksmanship perk and marksmanship skill increase the max range. Firing past that distance imparts a -2 penalty per square.)
1 credit options,
Old School Powerful Handgun, whether it is dirty harry or blade runner, an old school powerful weapon. Deals either 1d4+1 for a 6 round type, or 1d4 for an 8 round type. No rapid fire options. Range 6.
Old School Assualt Rifle, AK-47's, M-16's, essentially anything WWII to today is in this category. Deals 1d4 damage, has a full auto option for 3d4, clips hold 5 'bursts' (shots) per clip. Range 6.
(Anything like this essentially) |
2 credit options,
Gauss Pistol, magnetically accelerated pistol, deals 1d4+1 damage, and ignores one DR, (effective against covenant shields.) 8 rounds, range 10, empty clip option, 3d4+3.
Laser Pistol, early model for an energy sidearm, deals 1d4 damage, energy attack. Can perform an overload attack, dealing 4d4, but forces the laser pistol to cool down for 2 rounds. Range 8
Assault Rifle, modern day, mild magnetic acceleration and slightly advanced rounds by today's standards. Deals 1d6, full automatic attack options, 3d6. 8 'bursts' and range 12. 2 reloads per mission.
(Standard issue mildly magnetically accelerated assault rifle) |
Combat Shotgun, more advanced then modern day shotguns, but the same basic concept. 1-5 spaces, it deals 2d4+1, 6-9 it deals 1d6, and 10-12 (Maximum unmodified range) deals 1d4. Has a double shot mode, two shots, -2 penalty each shot. 6 round clip, 2 reloads standard per mission.
Sniper Rifle, like today's long range rifles, only magnetically accelerated. Optimum range 20, no penalty 8-20, 5-7, -2 penalty to hit, 1-4, -4 penalty. Deals 1d10 damage base. 6 round clip, 2 reloads per mission.
4 credit options,
Heavy Gauss Support Weapon, a high end magnetically accelerated machine gun. Deals 2d6 damage, this weapon can shred through most cover, (half cover bonus to AC) and ignores 2 physical DR. 4 'bursts' per clip, 2 reloads per mission.
Laser Rifle, early model laser rifle, deals 1d6 damage, and like the laser pistol, has unlimited ammo. It can perform an overload function for 3d6, but forces a 1 round cool down. Range 10.
(Prototype Laser Rifle) |
Power Armor Only,
3 credit options
Knuckle Uzi's, hidden small gauge rapid fire weapons hidden in the hand and wrist area of the armor. Meant as a close range hail of bullets. Range 5, 2d3+1 damage, deadly crits, (x3 damage on critical hits.) 6 'bursts' per mission.
Shoulder Mounted Gatling Gun, just like War Machine, allows a hail of bullets. This attack doesn't require an attack roll, all in an 3x3 area must make a save vs. Area of Effect (AOE) damage, if they fail the save, they take 4d4 damage, if they make the save, it is 2d4. If the armor has the 'flight' upgrade, or you otherwise have a sizable height advantage, all effected have a -2 penalty on their save. Range, 10, 3 'bursts' per mission.
(I obviously am super original in all my thinking.) |
4 credit options
Repulsor Ray, an energy weapon mounted in the hand, that was originally a prototype for a flight stabilizer. Deals 1d8 damage, and causes 1d4 knock back. (1 square and point of damage per result on the d4.) Range 8, can make 2 consecutive shots before this requires 1 round to cool down.
(Damn, the first one was good.) |
Plasma Scorcher, a high intensity flamethrower, firing super heated napalm. This weapon comes in shoulder or arm mounted format. Deals 2d6 to primary target, and all opponents in surrounding squares must make a save vs. AOE damage or take 1d6 damage. All creatures damaged must save vs. Burn or suffer 1d6 fire damage for 1d3 rounds. Range 5, 6 rounds per mission.
5 credits, requires infinite resources to access. (Meaning even if you can afford it only billionaire)
Gravitational Vortex Cannon, a strange experimental weapon derived from downed alien ships mobility systems, pulls in material in front of it before launching it far away, often with devastating effect. The weapon does a flat 2d3 damage, plus knock back depending on the distance of the opponent. The weapon also has a much higher hit chance at close range. 1-3 spaces, +4 to hit, 2d4+2 knock back, 4-6 spaces, +2 to hit, 1d6+2 knock back, and 7-10, no bonus, 1d4 knockback. This weapon requires 1 round to cool down after firing, and requires super strength to wield properly. (Meaning power armor of course.) There is an added affect to this weapon, that you have some control over those caught in the initial anti-gravity pull, allowing you to aim those caught slightly. Why not toss a few gravitationally captured grunts off a cliff? (Or get damage bonuses tossing them into something.)
(Episode 3 not included.) |
Reactor Chest Ray, channels energy from the fusion reactor into a focus lens located on the chest piece, firing a short range, but very devastating weapon. This weapon drains all weapons, placing everything the power armor has onto a 1 round cool down, with the chest ray suffering a 2 round CD. Only non-power using melee weapons are unaffected. This weapon has a range of 3, and deals 3d8+4 damage base. This weapon, for some reason, empowers the 'Tesla Field' accessory.
Melee Weapons: (Some melee weapons are two handed, others can be quick/drawn, will be handled stylistically case by case.)
Scrounged Weapon: For the truly desperate, anything you can find to smack an invader with. damage range is 1d2 to 1d3, with an added affect, like knock back, for a relatively exceptional scrounged weapon.
2 credits, Alien Alloy Melee Weapon, a typically custom made weapon, with the bulk of the construction consisting of intensely reworked recovered covenant alloys. Alien Alloy weapons gain a +4 vs. Burn, like when they kill a Xenomorph.
(Alien Alloy weapons tend to be exceptionally shiny.) |
The effect is dependent on type
Blunt weapons deal 1d6 for one handed types, 2d4 for two handed, and on a charge attack deal bonus knock back damage. 1d4 for one handed, 1d6 for two handed. Certain types, like a police baton or tonfa, will add a defense bonus instead of knock back.
Edged weapons deal 2d4 for one handed, and 2d6 for two handed. These weapons deal x3 damage on critical hits.
Knife and Spear weapons are considered their own class, and they get an attack of opportunity whenever an opponent makes a far moving melee attack against the player. Damage range is 1d6 to 1d8, spears tend to get an attack before the target gets there, and knife fighting tends to get surprise stabs in. These weapons increase cqc defense by +1 to +2, depending on style/stats.
3 credits, Alien Alloy Shield, a relatively large shield made from super dense carbon fiber, with a covenant metal plate stuck to it. When actively equipped, provides
3 credits, Tesla Baton, a unique weapon made entirely with defense in mind. This weapon is made from a highly conductive material, (except the hilt) and upon activation there is a constant large electrical energy field around it. This grants a +1 to energy defense passively, and if the player chooses to not attack, or fight defensively, (readying vs. attacks, etc.) the bonus increases to +1 physical and +1 energy, with an additional +1 cqc bonus. This weapon deals 1d3 physical and 1d6 energy, it is also non-lethal damage, allowing those taken down by this weapon to be captured for study/interrogation.
(Like this, only more dramatic, and collapsible.) |
Power Armor Options:
3 credits, Alien Alloy Power Armor Claws, hidden in the armors fore arm section are 3 alien alloy forged blades, very much in the spirit of Wolverine. These weapons are a free action to deploy, These weapons deal 2d4 damage base, grant a +2 cqc defense bonus when deployed, and are exceptionally deadly in grapples, gaining a +4 damage bonus in that combat form. Like other alloy edged weapons, these deal x3 critical damage.
(They'll still be making Wolverine movies in 2100 I imagine...) |
Infinite Resource options, (All are 5 credits)
Meteorian Forged Weapon, made from exceedingly rare and expensive Meteorian, which encases the comet kaiju, protecting them during their atmospheric entry and subsequent destructive touchdown. Forging the metal itself is another great expense, requiring absolutely immense heat to melt down to be forged. (4000+ degrees hot) These weapons are immune to alien acid, freezing, or pretty much any item effecting ability.
(Meteorian weaponry tends to be dark colored.) |
They follow the same rules as the weapon types in the alloy section, only with the following changes:
Blunt weapons do 1d8 for one handed, 2d6 for two handed, the knock back numbers increase to 1d6 and 1d8 respectively, and all blunt weapons ignore 1 physical DR.
Edged weapons do 2d6 for one handed, and 2d8 for two handed, they ignore 2 DR and deal x3 damage on crits.
Knives/Spears do 1d8 to 1d10, ignore 1 DR, have the attack of opportunity just like the alloy weapons, and add +2-+3 cqc defense.
Meteorian Weapons do not require power armor to wield.
Power Armor options:
Meteorian Shield, forged from almost solid Meteorian, this incredibly powerful, super heavy shield is the ultimate in simple, effective, billion dollar hunk of metal technology. +3 HP, +3 physical defense, +2 energy defense, has two starting build options, though adding 1 credit to the purchase price will equip it with both. Armor spikes, allows the shield to bash for 2d4 base, and grants +1 cqc defense, or aiming brace, which gives the shield a flatter base, and a few cut outs to place a gun, functioning as a portable tri-pod of sorts. This translates to a +2 bonus to hit and +1 range, as long as the warrior hasn't moved and is on the ground. (Not flying) Requires super strength to wield. (Power armor) This model built for Hercules power armor is bigger, costs 1 credit more, adds +1 HP, deals 2d6 on shield bashing, and adds +2 to cqc defense if spiked.
Energy Glaive, a super powerful experimental weapon, which forms a blue energy 'blade' for a short period of time, (3-4 seconds) before dissipating. The energy that is created however, cuts through essentially anything. This weapon can be activated during a grapple, it can energize on either arm, each arm having 3 'emitters' to project the energy from different points for different situations. (on back of the wrist, one under wrist, and one elbow is default set up.) 4d8+4 base damage, ignores all DR. This ability has unlimited uses per mission, but using it twice in a row forces the reactor to make a save or shut down temporarily to reboot. This is possibly the only weapon that is powerful enough to harm Kaiju as human sized. (Blows right through Kaiju DR)
Accessories: (Each person has 1 accessory slot naturally, some gear will grant an additional slot or two, like power armor.)
1 credit options, (All grenades have range 5 base)
Fragmentation Grenade, not that different from the grenades used by the modern military. does 1d6+1 base damage to a 3x3 area, range 5 base, 3 per mission. Save vs. AOE damage for all but the primary target, (if hit) primary target still must make a save if near miss.
Proximity Mine, essentially an easier to set up, with better sensors, claymore land mine. Placed as a stealth trap. Deals 2d4+1 base to a 5x5 area. Save vs AOE damage all in the area, with a -4 penalty if successfully hidden.
(Still deadly after all these years...) |
Smoke Grenade, covers a 6x6 area, anything in the cloud gains a 50% concealment bonus, meaning a 50% miss chance. 2 per mission. (Example: A covenant grunt is shooting at you in the cloud with its plasma pistol. He hits your energy defense, there would then be a roll, say even or odd, and if I get even, I would hit, if off, I'd miss. An incredibly useful buff.)
(Many colors available!) |
Flash Bang Grenade, a slightly intensified version of what we have today, all in a 5x5 area must make 2 saves, 1 vs. blind, and 1 vs. stun. Blind imparts a -4 penalty on all defense types, attack rolls, and a 50% miss chance. (see smoke grenade above.) Stun is like it sounds.. just sit there, not moving, attacks instantly hit. Each effect lasts 1d3+1 rounds, you get 3 grenades per mission.
Storage Satchel Rank I, custom gear to distribute more accessories around the body. Contains 2 accessory slots.
Med-kit, field surgery kit, requires 3 ranks of combat intelligence to use, 1d4 healed base, must be done at melee range. 3 uses per mission.
Nano-weave Vest, an experimental silksteel armor weave, that which initially appeared promising, was abandoned for further study of alien alloys. This is worn under armor, and grants +1 HP and +1 physical defense. (Stacking with armor of course.)
Stun Gun, an advanced taser, Range 3. There is no attack roll with this weapon, the target makes a save vs stun, with a modifier based on its health, (higher health, more resistant) and if it succeeds, nothing happens. If it fails however, it is completely incapacitated, and not for some number of rounds like with a flash bang grenade. For many hours, more than long enough to properly bind and store the target. This weapon also has no limit on uses, but it requires 1 round to recharge in between uses.
2 credits, Rocket Launcher, highly destructive long range explosive weapon. Deals 1d10+1 base damage in a 5x5 area, same rules as frag grenade for saves/to hit. Has 2 rockets per mission, and this weapon has a range of 15.
3 credits, Support Equipment Package, this contains several of the above accessories, and advanced Communications equipment used to call in air strikes, jaeger strikes, etc. from nearby supporting countries/X-Com resources. Contains 1 proximity mine, 2 smoke grenades, 2 flash bangs, a 2 use med-kit, 2 extra clips for all equipped weapons, and a bonus slot for extra accessories. The communication equipment imparts a mission specific bonus, that will depend on both region and role play. (Example, you're in a mixed format battle, Kaiju attack Paris with Overseer ground and air forces reinforcing. Poor role play/pissing off who you're talking to will give you 1 air strike from French Air Forces, good role play/efficient target painting will potentially let you perform an air strike as often as every other round.) This accessory package requires 3 empty equipment slots. (The average player will have to spend 2 extra credits on storage just to carry this all around.
Power Armor Accessories:
1 credit options
Tesla Field Rank I, a weak prototype energy shield technology, has 1 HP base, and while active grants +2 energy defense. This shield does grow in strength with other built in 'Tesla' equipment though. (Like Tesla knuckles.)
Speed Boosters, powerful mini-rockets placed in the hip, knee, heel, shoulder and elbow area, that allow for incredible boosts of speed. Triples movement speed, allowing for great leaps and jumps, doubles charging bonus from +2 to +4 to hit and damage. This ability has a 3 round cool down, and enough fuel for 3 uses per mission.
2 credits, Armor Spikes, places strategic, and visually impressive, spikes in offensive and defensive areas around the power armor. This grants a +1 to physical defense, an unarmed attack of 1d4+1 base, and grants a +2 bonus to grappling damage, and a +1 bonus to total grappling score. This ability stacks/empowers a few others, like Tesla Knuckles.
Infinite Resource Options:
3 credits, Deflector Shield, a super advanced energy shield, discovered in the process on researching the Energy Glaive, creates a shortly sustained, incredibly powerful energy shield. This ability reflects all energy attacks for 1 round when activated, with a 50% chance of reflecting the attack directly back at the attacker. It also grants a +2 physical defense while activated, and 2 physical DR, absorbing some from non-energy based attacks. This ability requires 2 rounds to cool down, and activating it more than twice in a mission requires a save for the reactor to keep functioning.
3 credits, The Solar Package, adds several strategically placed, advanced solar panels (covered in super strong clear lacquers/polymers) around the body. This provides some energy to the armor itself, empowering several other abilities and providing some EMP resistance, and it comes with 2 of its own attack forms, weak eye beams and a blinding flash of light, called the solar flare.
(I'm 100% original. Yep yep.) |
Stats: Eye beams, 1 round cd, partial action, (maybe fired while grappling, shooting a vortex cannon, etc.) 1d4 base, Solar Flare, (Save vs. Blind) empowers tesla field, empowers deflector shield, empowers tesla knuckles, empowers energy glaive, no spikes though. EMP resistance +2.
And that completes our personal gear section. Many things say 'Rank I' on them, and that is because as the game progresses, characters might unlock research to improve gear.
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